The story of SynoSys, a department of CIDS


The story of how SynoSys, the synergy of systems department was born.

In 2023 (or earlier?), i didnt want to be at the RKI anymore, the bureaucracy was getting out of hand. Thus I decided it was time for something new. An exciting endevour. I wrapped up my beloved crew and we set up shop in Dresden. Born was Synergy of Systems (SynoSys) department.

Aforementioned and hand picked beloved inaugural crew is constitued of

  • Dirk Brockmann: Me duh, the founding director
  • Pascal Klamser: PostDoc
  • Angelique Burdinski: PhD student
  • Adrian Pelcaru: the almost PhD student, codename Garfunkel
  • Adrian Zacharieae: PhD student
  • Barbara
  • Paul Buttkuss: another almost PhD student, codename Buttkiss aka Simon
Dirk Brockmann
Dirk Brockmann

Director Center Synergy of Systems, Professor Biology of Complex Systems