German COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring (COSMO)-Welle 11 (12.05.2020)



Risk perceptions down at pre-lockdown level, acceptance of measures related to worries aboutindividual economic situationRisk perceptions are still declining, as is the acceptance of the measures;both dropping to the before-lockdown level. 89% keep a distance of 1.5m, 86% wash their hands for 20seconds and follow the hygiene rules, 79% wear masks. 21% find the measures exaggerated (more men), onthe other hand, 31% find the lifting of the measures (rather) exaggerated; in between, 41% are undecided(more women in the latter groups). The last two groups perceive a higher risk and show more protectivebehaviour. However, those who think that the measures are exaggerated differ from the other two groups onalmost all variables: they are less informed, trust the authorities less, feel lower risk, perceive the outbreak asmedia hype and tend to believe in conspiracy theories (both habitually and specifically related to corona).Importantly, they also have greater personal worries about their financial situation, their jobs, and worry thatthe gap between the rich and the poor will increase. There is also a greater desire for demonstrations againstthe measures. Of all respondents, 11% are prepared to take part in such a demonstration. The regulation of apossible local lockdown in case of 50 new infections in 7 days is well accepted by 62% of the respondents. 70%of all respondents think a 2nd wave is (rather) likely. Most respondents expect the second wave in 2 months.

Dirk Brockmann
Dirk Brockmann

Director Center Synergy of Systems, Professor Biology of Complex Systems

Frank Schlosser
Frank Schlosser
PhD Student

I’m currently researching human mobility and its relation to epidemic spreading
